Thursday 12 June 2014

How Analytics Differentiates Winners - Bain

Review by Bain & Co.
only 4% of companies are really good at analytics, an elite group that puts into play the right people, tools, data and intentional focus. These are the companies that are already using analytics insights to change the way they operate or to improve their products and services. And the difference is already visible. These companies are:
  • Twice as likely to be in the top quartile of financial performance within their industries 

  • Three times more likely to execute decisions as intended

  • Five times more likely to make decisions faster

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Chief Data Officer

Birst's blog discussions of the increasing centrality of Data

Sunday 8 June 2014

Analytical Process

Enrico Bertini recently posted about the role of data visualization as a data interaction tool.
Linking to a visual analytics research and development agenda by Thomas and Cook which includes consideration of the analytical process.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Taxonomy of User Activities

Links from Wikipedia including this as a "taxonomy" of user requirements.
The more interactive visualisation tools allow movement around this.

Stephen Few Suggests we visualise data for 4 key reasons
  1. See the Big Picture
  2. Easily & Rapidly Comparing values
  3. Seeing patterns amongst values
  4. Comparing patterns
To achieve 3 key goals

Friday 23 May 2014

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Monday 19 May 2014

McKinsey - Three keys to building a data-driven strategy / Putting Big Data & Analytics to Work

Three Keys 
Putting to Work
Other Analytics Links at McKinsey
Big data and analytics have climbed to the top of the corporate agenda—with ample reason. Together, they promise to transform the way many companies do business, delivering performance improvements not seen since the redesign of core processes in the 1990s. As such, these tools and techniques will open new avenues of competitive advantage
 Focus on part of the decision and focus, therefore, where the greatest economic leverage is in the business.
The second is that you’ve got to make a decision support tool the frontline user understands and has confidence in. The moment you make it simple, understandable, then people start using it and you get better decisions 

Sunday 18 May 2014

Perception Science Should Drive Advanced Visualisation Designs

Article at IBM Blog
Steve Jobs popularized the saying "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." That dictum applies in spades to data visualization. The best visualizations leverage simple design principles to transmit useful intelligence to the human mind without delay and with maximum impact.

Saturday 17 May 2014

BARC - 2013 BI Vendor Survey

Linked to BARC 2013 vendor survey - Qlikview perspective - rankings of main BI providers on different assessments

Who's Afraid of Data Driven Management - HBR

At Harvard Business Review

Data-informed decision making, and the culture change inherent therein, doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Asking what do the data say before acting is a disruptive action, displacing prior norms. There will be employees like the low-highs who welcome this kind of change, and those like the high-lows who subvert it. Understanding the psychology underlying these behaviors is the necessary first step toward pushing past intuition and silencing the data skeptics.